Tender has its roots in antique workwear and machinery, especially from the Great British Steam Age. An important face of Tender’s English–made clothing is the nurture which is put into the clothes: in their research, design, manufacture and wear. Tender’s goal is for the owner to live with their clothes, wearing them hard, but respecting their provenance and the stories they have to tell.
Hadal Blue Indigo Chambray Cotton Cloth Tote Webbing Fly Shirt
The three body panels for the Webbing Fly Shirt are assembled, with the sleeves, and then bias bound all round in one pass, starting and ending underneath the collar, which is added at the end. Instead of a standard buttoned placket, a wide strip of cotton herringbone webbing is sewn to the outside of the right front, and the inside of the left, with buttonholes sewn in place. These are also caught into the edge binding, forming a concealed button fly. Because bias binding can not be used to edge sharp corners, the front opening and sides are cut in smooth curves.
Fabrics woven in England / Rinsed to shrink / Pleated false faced cuffs / Savile Row tailors’ melamine buttons / 100% cotton thread shrunk to form puckered seams
The Hadal Zone, named for the Greek underworld, Hades, is the deepest oceanic zone, below the Sunlight Zone, the Twilight Zone, the Midnight Zone and the Abyss.
Made in England
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